Sometimes we get lost and have a hard time finding our way back to where ever we've been. That seems to be the case with this blog spot. When I started this account back in 2010 I really did think that I was going to be blogging here on a regular basis. That was after Yahoo 360 (my old regular blog that is now defunct due to Yahoo shutting down that site for all it's many users) disappeared into the realms of ancient history. Then came a few tries at other blog sites and social networks such as MySpace, Multiply and Yahoo Pulse, but none of those seemed to be what 360 had been for me so I really didn't blog much. Then with the daily challenges life was throwing at me and the blog world taking a back seat to that dreaded foe 'Facebook', where when I began, a mere paragraph or two took up all the space allowed. Nothing I tried was able to replace or equal what I had developed and published on my Yahoo 360 page where by the time July 10th, 2010 arrived (the day Yahoo 360 slammed shut the doors, however we did have three months warning that the end was coming) my meager little four year old page with my poems, articles, original photos and whatever else I came up with to post had been viewed 36,000 times.
Over the past few years I've been inventing a story and composing a novel. Reality has dictated that endeavour take up most of my writing time. Now I'm nearing the end of that fiction so I'm thinking it would be nice to blog again and to me this is the obvious place to make those attempts. I don't know how often I may appear here, maybe once a day, perhaps once a month, time will tell. With spring coming on now I will be using my camera more and likely any good photos I come up with will encourage and inspire me to write something here on this blog. For instance today as I was driving out to the Meadow Creek store I happened to see a moose standing knee deep in one of the sloughs that dot the flats at this northern end of the big lake. Unfortunately I didn't have a long lens with me so no photos of that large majestic creature will appear here. However such an even with a photo would indeed inspire me to write something.
With 'Facebook' taking a backseat in my life now (the important person that had me going there on a daily basis for the past few years is no longer on that network) and with so few views on that network (I only ever had a handful of friends) as compared to a blog audience such as this site offers I do hope to publish more of my work here in days to come.
Writing is a pleasure and it's nice to have other people read the words that I come up with. If there ever was a place in the world for people such as me this is likely one of those spots. I'm not completely anonymous here, but I'm not standing in the spot light either, which suits me best. Not like standing on a brightly lit stage fumbling for the right notes on a keyboard, hoping no one will notice if the sound produced is awkwardly flat or resonantly sharp. Alas, life is a gamble and one never knows when things may or may not work out. It's good to have some idea whether one's efforts will be appreciated but at least if one flunks out here the only evidence of that failure would be that no persons will be paying much attention. So it's okay to blush in a place like this and in the event that something of some substance is produced perhaps others will read, enjoy and even make applicable comments. Three cheers for blogs, three cheers for the 'word', three hurrah's for forums where novice and amateur can ply the waters and kudos to those that are willing to take a chance and create new things.