Thursday, September 23, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

Once again I'm plunging into a rabbit hole! This is my first post, my first photo uploaded to the site, my first words in this abstruse environment of
If plan A is followed I will be posting original photos and composition from this desk here in my small mountain village.
So today I am posting a picture of the garden gate. A gate into another world, a world of beautiful creation and awesome natural splendour. This garden, a place where colorful blooms flutter with summer's breeze, where fragrant herbs and earth medicine share the same ground, a place where profundity gently encourages the nous, the ego, the spirit, awakening all essence of life, providing spiritual happiness on a grand and perfect scale.
So be welcome here to view what I have posted for you to see! Be welcome once, and then again! I hope what you see here will give each and everyone a moment of visual pleasure. I hope what you see here will give the reader a moment of clarity, hope and adoration for this wonderful planet Earth. So welcome one and all! Anthillfarm is open to the public and on behalf of all here on the farm I extend further invitation to "Joe Carrots Blog"! Cheers!